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Learning Philosophy

Learning Philosophy

At St Christopher's Bahrain, we believe that learning happens through the design of purposeful activities that engender joy, foster curiosity and challenge students who are conscious of how they learn.

Our learning will promote intellectual rigour, social responsibility and personal wellbeing. These three strands thread their way through our curriculum. The intellectual not only encompasses the academic curriculum but brings a focus to intellectual pursuits that will fire the synapses and bring critical thought to each and every situation. 

The social aspect of our curriculum is constructed around the School’s Social Responsibility (SSR) and uses the UN Development Goals to scaffold our work. Wellbeing refers to the healthy mind and body of all people within all St Christopher’s community and encompasses the UN Rights of a Child. 

'Learning to Engage, Engaging to Learn' encapsulates how we think about learning at St Christopher’s.

Expanding further on our philosophy of learning are our Foundations for Learning, adapted from the ideas described in a UNESCO report by Jacques Delors, which, in turn, is complemented by the concepts of 'Autonomous Learners' and 'Global Citizens'.

Our curriculum along with our Foundations of Learning help direct our enthusiasm and ensure students are:

  • Intellectually rigorous with the independence of thought;
  • Engaged in the world with an insatiable sense of curiosity;
  • Confident to be a unique individual, while respecting differences in others;
  • Ambitious with the skills and social-conscience to succeed in life.
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